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We've all heard the statistics. Almost a year after their graduation, only 56 percent of 2010 college grads held at least one job. Half of college graduates reported that their jobs did not require their college degree -- they were waitressing, bartending, filing, or selling retail. The situation is even worse for students who majored in the humanities (as I did) or area studies, such as Latin American studies. Only 44 percent of these students held jobs meant for a college graduate.

Despite these grim facts, there is an upside to the bleak job situation facing new college grads. Now is as good a time as any to notice the problems in your community and find a new way to solve them. I'm looking at you, humanities majors and creative types. Starting your own business or nonprofit could be a great way to use your creativity and interest in the world around you, by developing scalable solutions to make a difference in people's lives.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Maya Uppaluru: Five Reasons New Grads Should Become Entrepreneurs