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Jerry Bogart, a former actuary and executive at Principal Financial, wanted his own business and bought Specialty Leathers. Bogart said it is the only tannery in the United States turning hides from African animals into leather. He has finished leather from elephants, alligators, elk, deer and ostriches. / By David Purdy, The Des Moines Register, Gannett

Quick, picture a startup sensation.

Did you see 27-year-old Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg? Or maybe Ben Milne, who created two successful companies in his 20s, including the mobile payment darling Dwolla? Or Ben Silbermann, who 10 years after graduating from Des Moines' Roosevelt High School helped launch one of the fastest growing websites ever with Pinterest?

But if you look beyond those headline-grabbing names, you're more likely to find a baby boomer launching a new business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Older entrepreneurs find new niche in startups | The Des Moines Register |