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Advancements in mobile will have a positive effect on emerging markets. That’s been true for some time and, if the chatter both at the recent Mobile World Congress and around the tech scene is anything to go by, it will continue to be true for the foreseeable future.

There is a definite increase in awareness of emerging markets and the potential for massive growth in mobile therein. People increasingly believe that the next couple of billion connections will be in emerging markets, resulting in a substantial investment in upgrading networks and mobile infrastructure in these countries.

The importance of the transformative nature of mobile and its ability to lift people from poverty is exciting. We are seeing a strong trend towards everyone in the industry, including big brands, taking responsibility to ensure the public is connected. An interesting statistic is that for every 10% increase in broadband penetration there will be a 1.4% growth in the GDP for lower income economies.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The future of emerging markets still lies in mobile | memeburn