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Nick D’Aloisio is the inventor of Summly, an iPhone app that can reduce any web page into just three key paragraphs. His creation has rightly captured a lot of attention.

Like many young entrepreneurs, Mr. D’Aloisio has a company behind his app, but unlike most other young entrepreneurs, Mr. D’Aloisio had to get his mother to act as a director. Mr. D’Aloisio is 16 years old. He is reckoned to be one of the youngest, if not the youngest, person ever to get venture funding.

The European start-up culture is dominated by fresh-faced young men, maybe not quite as youthful as Mr. D’Aloisio, but certainly in their 20s and 30s. But what of the older entrepreneurs? Where are the 40-, 50- or even 60-year-old entrepreneurs? Is this wave of digital entrepreneurship closed to anyone who has a meaningful memory of the 1991 Gulf War?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Where Have All the Older Tech Entrepreneurs Gone? - Tech Europe - WSJ