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A component from a modular robot developed by NSF grantee Barobo, Inc.

On March 29, 2012, the National Science Foundation (NSF) conducted a bipartisan congressional briefing sponsored by the Coalition for National Science Funding and hosted by the Congressional Research and Development Caucus and its Co-Chairs Rush Holt (NJ-12) and Judy Biggert (IL-13) and special guests Representatives Daniel Lipinski (IL-3) and Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18).

"For 60 years, NSF has played a central role in innovation by catalyzing the development of fundamental ideas in science and engineering and supporting the people who generate them," said NSF Director Subra Suresh. "NSF remains the nation's engine of innovation, the fuel for which is fundamental research. NSF's mission positions it to stimulate innovative research that connects the science and engineering enterprise with potential economic, societal and educational benefits."

To read the full, original article click on this link: - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Science Means Innovation - US National Science Foundation (NSF)