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Age estimated: In reality, Alec Baldwin is 53, so the estimated age range is correct. Photos of actors and models are often judged by's system be younger than they really are.

Web users have become used to the idea that most of what they read online—whether it's Facebook comments or personal e-mails—is scanned by software that tries to serve up relevant ads. But soon online advertising companies may start serving up ads based on the age of people in photos that you're viewing on a page.

That's thanks to startup, which already offers a face-recognition service that websites or apps can use to count the number of faces in a photo, tell their gender, or match them to known individuals. Starting this week, that service will also guess the age of the faces it spots in photos and ad networks and other Web and mobile companies already have plans to use it.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Facial Recognition Lets Apps Guess Your Age - Technology Review