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Gangs are an important factor in the world’s underground economy, but they’re not just about selling drugs and breaking kneecaps. When run well, they have a lot in common with some of the world’s most successful companies.

Two young drug dealers awe at the ingenuity of their Chicken McNuggets and imagine the innovator who must have become incredibly rich off his invention. An older, more experienced dealer, D’Angelo Barksdale, mocks their naiveté, explaining that the man who invented the McNugget is an unknown at the very bottom of the McDonald’s corporate ladder who dreamed up a moneymaking idea for those at the top. What does this story tell you? It’s essentially a debate on the provenance of innovation: Is it driven from the top, by the big hitters? Or from the bottom, by the unknown, underground “misfits.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: What Do Google And Gangsters Have In Common? | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation