Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


When you write a column on the “50 ways the Obama Administration has hurt the economy and job creation,” and say things like, “President Obama is the most anti-business president I’ve ever seen,” you’re not leaving much room for interpretation. But from my position as a champion of innovation and the tech sector, and to be fair and add balance, there were a few items on our list that Obama has indeed checked off. So, though my criticisms stand, I also want to highlight some positive achievements of the Obama administration as well.

The JOBS Act: In April, President Obama signed into law bipartisan legislation that encourages start-ups. It allows entrepreneurs and smaller businesses to raise money by exempting them from the expensive hurdles and limitations designed for larger companies. Because entrepreneurs fuel innovation, the JOBS Act will be a boon for innovators, venture capitalists and small businesses by making it easier to create and grow jobs-creating businesses in the United States.

To read the full, original article click on this link: What Obama Has Done Right for Innovation - Forbes