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The industry has been abuzz this week with the release of the first market research on the crowdfunding industry, the Crowdfunding Industry Research report from, which also coincides with the launch of the Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA).

I wrote about the report last week in my May 10 article for Harvard Business Review: I also thought it would also be interesting to pose some of the tough questions to the authors themselves. Here they are: Massolution CEO and Crowdfunding Professional Association executive committee member Carl Esposti and Sr. Analyst Gerrit Ahlers. Their first full presentation of their findings will take place in my own region, at the 2012 Crowd Funding Symposium in Salt Lake City, which I will be keynoting on May 31. Mr. Esposti will be presenting the new report as the first presentation on the second day of the event, on June 1.

Here’s some of what they said in our interview this week (I’ll post additional information in next week’s column as well).

To read the full, original article click on this link: An Interview with Carl Esposti, Crowdfunding Industry Research - Forbes