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Despite a strong grasp of social media, many millennials lack real computer skills. Richard contrasts three types of social media users. Klint explains how to find out which programming language is the most popular. Learn about these stories and many more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-Up. After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web - Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web - plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.

Millennials: They Aren’t So Tech Savvy After All

Even as millennials (those born and raised around the turn of the century) enter college with far more exposure to computer and mobile technology than their parents ever did, professors are increasingly finding that their students' comfort zone is often limited to social media and Internet apps that don’t do much in the way of productivity. One professor at the University of Notre Dame, for example, reports that many of his students don't even know how to navigate menus in productivity applications. More

To read the full, original article click on this link: Weekly Wrap-Up: Many Millennials Don't Have More Than Basic Computer Skills and More