Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Gearing up for a venture fair to pitch your company’s medical device or therapeutic can be a nerve-racking experience, but it’s also a moment of truth for a company to get an indication of how investors respond to your company.

Among the panelists at a recent seminar organized by BioStrategy Partners in suburban Philadelphia were a couple of organizers for these venture fairs. Jaine Lucas of Mid Atlantic Diamond Venture Partners and Marc Kramer of Angel Venture Fair discussed some of the coaching and other assistance they give to startups, but they also offered lots of constructive advice for entrepreneurs evaluating whether they are ready to present at venture fairs and what their priorities should be. Joshua Tarnoff, Complexa CEO, shared some insights as a serial entrepreneur. Tim Pelura, Immunome CEO, was the moderator.