Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The Washington state economy received a welcome boost today with the launch of a university-focused venture fund that aims to invest nearly $20 million over the next four years in promising start-ups spinning out of the University of Washington and other research institutions across the state. The W Fund, which officially closed on May 31, was announced today by the Fund's managing directors.

Investors in the W Fund include leading venture capital firms and law firms, well-known entrepreneurs of technology and life science companies, and the Washington Research Foundation. The University of Washington is investing private, donated money and the W Fund is also leveraging federal stimulus monies garnered with support from the Washington State Department of Commerce.

To read the full, original article click on this link: New W Fund Officially Launches, Will Invest in Washington-Based Start-ups - MarketWatch