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"Discontent is the first necessity of progress."--Thomas Edison

Our impact on the world depends on our ability manage urgency. Right now, I'm not doing so well. On my flight racing over to Honduras, my mind is wandering: What should I do first? Write a blog post? Prep for next week's workshop? Watch a movie? I'm in a state of paralysis, which John Kotter, the Harvard Business School guru of change leadership calls "false urgency," and I like to call "destructive urgency." There are three types of urgency:

1. Complacency: You make no effort because you think things are fine.

2. Destructive urgency: You are stressed, worried, know things must change but you don't know what to do, so you waste your time looking busy but achieving little.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 8 Steps To Knock Out An Impossible Punch List | Fast Company