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Founded by Rich Bendis

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Dear SBIR Insider,

After thoroughly studying the SBA's proposed rule (RIN: 3245-AG46), and listening to many experts, insiders, and professionals from other areas of small business, I'm convinced (as are many others) that the SBIR and STTR programs are in great danger.

Long time readers of the SBIR Insider know that we don't like to overburden you with issues and publications, but this edition is the precursor to a very important "call to arms" for our small business community to come together, as you did for SBIR reauthorization. The response time will be short, and the issues complex, and once again we will have to involve Congress.

A critical mass will be required to engage Congress, which will be a tough job in this political climate. However, elections often make candidates "more receptive," and that may include the Obama Administration, whose help may be needed in putting the SBA's wheels back on track to protect and serve America's small high tech innovative businesses.

To read the full, original article click on this link: SBIR Insider 7-2-2012 Issue