Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It always takes time for what we know to become what we do. This is true in many areas, but particularly economic development. Recent research from the Kauffman Foundation, an economic think tank, found that job growth comes not from small business, as is often believed. It comes from new companies and is especially pronounced in fast growing companies under two years of age.

For the past three years the Connecticut Technology Council been looking at what this means for Connecticut. From the Council’s Competitiveness Agenda project, it was found that the state has not kept up with our neighbors in terms of how well we help new company formation and growth. That effort, along with the work of many like-minded colleagues, has supported the state in launching an exciting new initiative called the Innovation Ecosystem (IE). Led by Connecticut Innovations and the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Innovation Ecosystem’s goal is to significantly increase the quality and quantity of support for new, fast growing companies in the state.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Ecosystem - Connecticut Technology Council