Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


You have a great business concept. But you don’t have enough funds to make it succeed, so you need others to invest in your business. How can you get them to make the commitment? Here are some of the key points that you will need to make in order to get them to “yes.”

The Business Concept — Be able to clearly articulate your business concept in language that fits your audience. This “elevator speech” should take three minutes or less for the initial “pitch,” and should provide a basis for you to expand and provide details in subsequent presentations. This also means that if your audience is well-versed in your industry, you should use the appropriate technical terms or “jargon.” However, if they are not, you must be able to explain your business concept in layman’s terms.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Getting investors to yes: Six elements of a persuasive pitch