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Chris Douvos is managing director at Venture Investment Associates, a fund of funds that invests in private equity, venture capital and other funds.

Here in Silicon Valley, we’re all about using lottery slogans with Ivy League veneer. After all, isn’t talking about “optionality” just a fancy way of saying “ya gotta be in it to win it?”  And “asymmetric payoff” is just a spiffy way of saying, “hey, you never know,” right?

That’s why I was taken aback when I got invited to give a talk at the CFA Institute’s Annual Financial Analyst’s Seminar this summer. I mean, these are the cats that studied Greek during B-School so that they could do better in Advanced Derivatives class. Meanwhile, I’ve made a career of using ten-dollar words with my five-dollar brain; what could I possibly say about what is perhaps today’s least-loved asset class: venture capital? After all, a witty intro, a hoodie and a bag of Silly Valley pixie dust can only get you so far with that crowd.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A Dollar And A Dream: Making The Case For Venture Capital - Forbes