Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

principled Innovation

This was not the “serious question” I planned to write about this month, but a recent conversation with an association executive director inspired me to tackle it. The CEO had just read my new e-book, Associations Unorthodox: Six Really Radical Shifts Toward the Future, and he wondered whether I actually believe associations are “dead” in the long run. It was an unanticipated, yet not entirely surprising inquiry. The answer, of course, is more complicated than a simple “yes or no.”

For the most part, I find public ruminations on this kind of binary choice to be counterproductive. After all, one response (yes) is more likely to evoke deep feelings of genuine disdain and disbelief, while the other (no) may engender a false sense of security and a willful ignorance of the real world. Not much is gained from a reflection that is so narrowly construed and inwardly focused.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Serious Questions: Are associations dead?