Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


A number of people, especially graduate and postdoctoral students, have asked me recently,” how do I evaluate entrepreneurial companies during my job search?” They have little to no track record, compared to larger more established companies and many seem to have innovative technology, strong research, and passionate founders. What parameters can be used as a metric for potential success and what differentiates one startup over another?” I have outlined a few considerations below as a starting point to address this complicated question.


Research the founder(s). Review press releases, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, USPTO and other sources of information to learn about them. Founder(s) of previously successful companies, have a track record, which could be an indicator of future success. Founders who are distinguished and well respected in their given field, even if they have not previously founded a successful company, are definitely worth consideration.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to evaluate entrepreneurial (life sciences) companies during your job search - Global Business Hub -