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About the Author: Eric Woodard is the author of “Your Last Day of School: 56 Ways You Can Be A Great Intern and Turn Your Internship Into a Job”. He is also founder of, a site that teaches students to be successful during internships. Eric has created and managed internship programs for the White House and U.S. Senate and consulted with a variety of national non-profit clients to create and manage successful internship programs. Over the years Eric received zillions of thank you notes from interns, and has kept every single one. Follow Eric on Twitter!

In my book “Your Last Day of School” I write that there are two good reasons to do an internship. They are:

1) To get access to special information


2) To network with people

Sometimes however, I encounter young professionals who are involved with an internship for another reason – a bad reason.

They’re just there for the label.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Intern… Are You Just Looking for a Label? | The Savvy Intern by YouTern