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From a national day of giving back to an inspiring show of corporate support after Hurricane Sandy, 2012 was a remarkable year for social innovation, philanthropy and corporate responsibility.  Below, I share my picks for this year’s social innovation highlights and best-in-show campaigns.  I’d love to hear your top picks too, so please share in the comments section!  

Most Innovative Partnership for Good: 10×10 & Intel

10×10 is a feature film, Girl Rising, and a social action campaign created and launched by an award-winning  team of former ABC News journalists in association with The Documentary Group and Paul Allen’s Vulcan Productions. The transmedia project, funded mainly by Intel, uses the power of storytelling and the leverage of strategic partnerships to deliver a single message: “Educating girls in developing nations will change the world.” Intel has worked for decades to improve education around the world understanding that if the education gap is closed for girls, not only are their lives transformed but so are the lives of everyone they touch.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Most Dynamic Social Innovation Initiatives of 2012 - Forbes