Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Words are powerful. The language we use influences how we think, feel, act, and interact with the world. That’s why I propose a new kind of dictionary. One founded on the belief that we do not have to live how the world expects us to.

Why? Because far too often I hear people say “yes” for the wrong reasons. I hear people say "I should" instead of "I want" and "I'll try" versus "I will." I hear people putting themselves down for “procrastinating” when they don’t understand the underlying reasons. I watch people approach “work” as if it’s a 9-to-5 job and “passion” like it’s a hobby that can never be taken seriously. I hear people say “I can’t” because of self-imposed “limitations” that inevitably lead to “boredom,” “anxiety” and the fear of “failure.”

To read the original article: Why Tweaking Your Career Vocabulary Can Radically Improve Your Life | Fast Company