Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


ASU Venture Catalyst, the startup unit of Arizona State University, along with the Scottsdale Public Library system, has announced a new initiative for helping inventors, problem-solvers, social enterprises, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. The new Alexandria Network is designed to provide support for the innovation economy within designated libraries, eventually creating a network of locations across the greater Phoenix area and then across the state of Arizona. These new locations will combine elements of the now popular co-working spaces, along with expert library fact-finding services and ASU startup resources, into one designated place. Innovators and entrepreneurs can use these EUREKA co-working spaces on a daily basis to work on their ideas while also getting mentorship, advice, and access to some "pracademic" classes both online and in the libraries.

To read the original article: EUREKA – ASU and Arizona Libraries Collaborate to Offer Co-Working Spaces and Business Support through New Alexandria Network