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park bench

I'm sitting under a scrubby pine tree in the dappled winter sunshine, watching traffic sail over the Williamsburg bridge. Near me, an adorable black dog with an enormous shovel-shaped head and seemingly no legs is sniffing a clump of grass. A red-and-yellow ferry glides across the East River, and I see cranes topping the Freedom Tower in the distance. When I close my eyes, I hear a bird chirping, the rumble of boat engines, and the gentle flapping of a flag in the breeze. Quite a stiff breeze, actually…

F*ck this. It’s freezing. My bare fingers are curling into useless, aching little commas. But I still think you should work from a park bench occasionally, and here's why:

1. Sunshine protects against mood disorders. Up to 5 percent of the population in temperate regions suffers seasonal affective disorder in winter. A study of Danish (naturally) civil servants found that those who spent more than two hours a day working outside were less likely to have mood problems.

To read the original article: The Case For Working From A Park Bench | Fast Company