Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Jason Poquette, BPharm, R.Ph.

Be it Ben Franklin or Steve Jobs, everyone is intrigued by the entrepreneur.  Not all entrepreneurs are wildly successful.  Most, in fact, will never attain the fame and fortune of a Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.  The vast majority will not actually change the course of history like Edison or Einstein.  But whether outstanding or obscure; whether basking in the limelight or just a barely visible nightlight, all entrepreneurs seem to have several traits in common.  I don’t know if some people are just born this way.  I do know that many a man or woman have some of these qualities.  But when all or most of them are exhibited in the same person, you can almost always be sure you’ve found a true E.N.T.R.E.P.R.E.N.E.U.R.

To read the original article: 12 Traits of the ENTREPRENEUR | The Honest Apothecary