Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

HumeraHumera Fasihuddin is director of the Invention to Venture program at the National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance. She works with high-potential student teams to help them secure funding. She also runs the NCIIA’s I2V workshops, which teach basic and advanced entrepreneurship, and manages BMEidea, a national student competition in biomedical engineering.

ID: What sort of practical information is offered at Invention to Venture (I2V) workshops?

HF: Experience, contacts, money and luck are just some of the ingredients cited by successful serial entrepreneurs, who speak to the mostly student audience at Invention to Venture workshops. They’re all things that come easy to someone who’s been in the working world for a few decades, not as much for students. Most students have never held a job, but their networks can span 1,000 or so Facebook friends and the folks they know back home. And, they’re always cash strapped.

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Author: Inventors Digest