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It'd be easy to conclude that all governors say the same things in every state of the state address. “It’s jobs, it’s the economy, and then transportation and education,” said Tucker Martin, who helped write the annual speeches for former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

In some respects, that was true in 2014. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced a new advisory council to make sure small businesses “have the resources and support needed to not only grow their business, but to create well-paying jobs.” Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper called for extending job creation tax credits to enable “more businesses to maintain employees and hire new ones.” Others, such as Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, touted public-private partnerships that match skills being taught in college classrooms with local labor demand.

Image: Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam delivers his State of the State address on Feb. 3, 2014. AP/Mark Zalesk