Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


We would like to invite you to take part in the VIII International From Science to Business Forum to be held 13-16 May, 2014, in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The From Science to Business Forum was first held in 2007 and has become an annual event. Over the seven years, innovation development obstacles in Russia, new trends in Russian and international markets, new Russian Federation Government initiatives, development institutes, scientific organizations and business companies have been discussed. The main Forum focus has been international experience in the innovation sphere and comparison of innovation systems in different countries.

The topic of the VII International Forum was “Globalization of Innovations”. It was devoted to the spheres of universities and business cooperation, as well as business support ecosystem creation. The Forum was attended by representatives of countries where institutions promoting high technology commercialization have existed for decades.