Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


SAN FRANCISCO — Venture capital rising to levels not seen since 2001. Companies with no profits going public. Billions of dollars being paid for start-ups.

These and other signs that the tech boom may be taking an irrational turn are leading some notable investors to utter the dreaded word "bubble,"waking up the ghosts of an era many in Silicon Valley would prefer to keep buried.

Image: Nasdaq's surge since June spawned a rise in tech IPOs, including that of Chinese microblogging site Weibo on April 17. Above, the company's logo is displayed on a monitor outside Nasdaq in New York. (Scott Eells / Bloomberg / April 17, 2014),0,4408027.story#ixzz30ZpNz59J