Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Healthcare technology is hot stuff, with startups and investors from Silicon Valley to the Charles River chasing after the next paradigm-shifting blockbuster innovation. Each passing quarter sees an ever-increasing tally of eager rounds of funding.

In the first three quarters of 2013, health IT venture capital leapt steadily from $493 million to $623 million to $737 million, according to Mercom Capital Group. By Q1 2014, it was up to $858 million.

In Q2, VC funding for digital health passed $1 billion for the first time ever: $1.8 billion worth of deals.

"Funding into the healthcare IT sector continues at an astonishing pace," said Mercom CEO Raj Prabhu in a press statement in April.
