Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Systems to manage the wealth of knowledge inside companies can help junior staff get a leg up in career advancement.

Knowledge management systems help connect workers to knowledge and other people regardless of physical distance.  They are wide-ranging and can vary from custom-designed knowledge repositories to web-based systems which comprise discussion forums, file sharing and organisation charts, to name but a few features.  There is no shortage of companies offering IT-based solutions to help harvest an organisation’s collective intelligence and these have only expanded in number since the advent of Web 2.0.  “Electronically linked communities”, “expertise locators” and “lessons-learned databases” will be familiar terms to Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs)  ̶  those seeking to share wisdom throughout the organisation. But how much of an impact do these systems have on the careers of those using them?