Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

From Mrs. Fields to Martha Stewart, many iconic entrepreneurs (as well as other hugely successful businesses like Starbucks) have sparked the creation of other new ventures. By direct example and advice--or by replicating other successful business models--the positive economic ripple effect has been nothing short of remarkable. We decided to profile a few of these firms, to discover what inspired a new generation of mini-moguls and how they are paying it forward in their own backyards.

Doing by Design
In the case of Martha Stewart, a multi-track ripple effect is in full bloom. Her signature lifestyle companies (under the umbrella of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia) actually applaud the development of independent ventures by her staff and associates. By her example (or via personal input and advice in some cases) Stewart has nudged, challenged and inspired many women (as well as a few men) to launch or grow their businesses with gusto.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Entrepreneurial Ripple Effect - successful business models -

Author: Pattie Simone