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exercise chemical profile fit unfit metabolites performance supplementsThe virtues of exercise are myriad: better cardiovascular health, decreased risk for diabetes, boosted mood, and even perhaps a leaner physique. But aside from such macro links and knowledge about the heart rates, blood–oxygen levels and hormonal responses related to exercise, scientists have a relatively cursory understanding of the chemical mechanisms at work in the body during and after physical activity.

A new study, published online May 26 in Science Translational Medicine, presents a thorough profile of exercise's impact on the human body's metabolites in plasma—and reveals vast biological differences among more- and less-fit individuals. The findings also reinforce links between exercise and insulin sensitivity as well as point to new ways to enhance exercise for both healthy individuals and those suffering from cardiovascular or metabolic diseases.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Unlocking the Chemistry of Exercise: How Metabolites Separate the Physically Fit from Unfit: Scientific American

Author: Katherine Harmon