Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

As a consultant who works in the innovation space, I've seen lots of innovation initiatives. Some were successful in spite of themselves, and some were failures even when all the "right" people were involved. Some rely overmuch on technology, and some succeed using paper and pencil. Some have plenty of training and process, some purely adhoc. But the common denominators of all successful innovation projects are two factors: vision and passion. Let's explore each of them briefly.

When I say vision, I am using the word to represent several characteristics or components. To me, vision is understanding the need to create something new, and understanding the emerging opportunities and/or challenges that a team should address. Vision is also about being able to communicate those facts to others and get them to see the same opportunities as you do.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovate on Purpose: Vision and Passion: All you really need for innovation success

Author: Innovate On Purpose