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jugglerEntrepreneurs quickly become masters of multi-tasking, but some tasks are more important than others.

In a recent post for the Harvard Business Review, Anthony Tjan, CEO and founder of VC firm Cue Ball, highlights the top three facets of business that every entrepreneur needs to be able to do in their sleep: planning, selling, and executing.

From HBR:

To stay focused, early stage CEOs need to remember that there are just three important things that need to get done in a business — 1) planning, 2) selling, and 3) executing — and that these tasks require three different mindsets. Some entrepreneurs can excel in all three roles, but the best ones are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and build their teams accordingly.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Every Entrepreneur Needs To Master These Three Roles

Author: Bianca Male