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The Key to Success in Entrepreneurship Fortune

Running a business is difficult. Starting a business from scratch is even harder. The entrepreneurial journey is a rollercoaster, and in the beginning you’ll probably face more downs than ups. In these moments, it can be tough to power through, but there are a few things you can do to make the struggle a bit easier:

1. Focus on the bigger picture Always remember to take a step back and think about why you started on this road in the first place. What is your ultimate goal? Whether it is about building something that lasts, gaining fame and success, or giving back to society, keeping your long-term goals in mind will help you to reframe your daily challenges against a larger backdrop of achievement. The entrepreneurial path is about the journey—not the destination. Building resilience and stepping outside of your comfort zone are pillars of the temple of personal growth that you are about to erect.

Image: Mitali Rakhit, founder and CEO of Globelist Courtesy of Globelist