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We already know SpaceX CEO Elon Musk plans to send people to Mars as soon as 2024. But over the weekend, he hinted on Twitter that his ambitions are much bigger: He wants to conquer the rest of our solar system as well. 

According to Musk, SpaceX's Mars Colonial Transporter, a spacecraft designed to carry both cargo and astronauts to Mars, is actually designed to go "well beyond" Mars. As such, it naturally means the MCT needs a new name, and Musk already has an idea. 

Image: AP PHOTO/JAE C. HONG, FILE 2016%2f09%2f16%2f6f%2fhttpsd2mhye01h4nj2n.cloudfront.netmediazgkymdezlza1.53aea BY STAN SCHROEDER 1 DAY AGO