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global 1000 sustainable performance leadersThe Global 1000 Sustainable Performance Leaders ranking for 2009 was unveiled this week by CRD Analytics, made public for the first time, and hosted exclusively in a searchable, filterable data base on Justmeans. I wrote an editorial for, examining some aspects of this ranking which you can read here. In brief, this is a comprehensive ranking of Financial, Environmental, Social and Governance (FESG) performance of publicly traded companies with over $1billion in market capitalization and having produced a CSR or Sustainability report. The top 1,000 companies are selected from a total pool of over 5,000 potentials.  The ranking factors in performance data using GRI G3 indicators, and more, with 200 individual metrics. The methodology which underpins the G1000 is called Smartview(TM) and is also used to power the Nasdaq OMX CRD Global Sustainability 50 Index which was launched in June 2009.  Martin Smith, CEO of Justmeans, who co-hosted the Justmeans-CRD Analytics  webinar held on Wednesday said ” This is the most robust methodology I have seen” (for ranking sustainability performance), and I agree with him. The purpose of hosting this ranking on the Justmeans platform is, according to Martin, to “speed up the rate of disclosure” With everybody’s data out there for everyone to review, the expectation is that, in addition to the attention given to these rankings by the investor communitty, Companies will start to realize that transparency as well as performance is the name of the game for all stakeholders, and will be anxious to ensure that  their place in the rankings continues to improve. This is the essence of the race to rank. Whether you like it or not, if you are a publicly traded company, you are in the race.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Race to Rank: The Global 1000 Sustainable Performance Leaders Unveiled | The Green Economy Post: Green Careers, Green Business, Sustainability

Author: Elaine_Cohen