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A rendering of the future city of Telosa, which will be somewhere in the American West. Image courtesy of
Billionaire Marc Lore is fleshing out his plan to build a utopian city called Telosa for 5 million people in the American desert — and he's not the only one with such ambitions.

Why it matters: There are about a dozen projects worldwide to create sustainable, hypermodern cities-from-scratch. While they may never come to fruition, the proposals themselves hint at what the city of the future might look like.

Driving the news: Telosa is set to be built on 150,000 acres in either Nevada, Utah or Arizona, and 50,000 "diverse" people will call it home by 2030, according to newly released details from Lore — a serial entrepreneur who sold to Walmart for $3.3 billion and the parent company of to Amazon for $545 million.

Image: A rendering of the future city of Telosa, which will be somewhere in the American West. Image courtesy of