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Scientists at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Eye Center are developing goggles that have a camera and processor to translate images from the environment into pulses of light.
TIM BETLER, UPMC AND UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH HEALTH SCIENCESThe human retina—the light-sensitive part of the brain situated in the back of the eye—is a feat of engineering at the heart of a critical sense: Sight. So diseases of the retina like retina pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration, which lead to impaired vision and blindness, can be particularly intractable and devastating.

But scientists are zeroing in on a suite of strategies that may offer a ray of hope.

Image: Scientists at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Eye Center are developing goggles that have a camera and processor to translate images from the environment into pulses of light. TIM BETLER, UPMC AND UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH HEALTH SCIENCES