Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Aristotle's avatar presents a slideshow about Greece. Prof Jim customers will be able to request avatars for whomever they’d like, be it a long dead celebrity or a specific classroom teacher.COURTESY OF PROF JIMWould students be more engaged in class if Sacagawea was the one teaching them about the Lewis and Clark Expedition? Would they retain more information if Aristotle explained the art of storytelling during their writing seminar? Would an English lecture delivered by Jane Austen, and complete with slides and pop quizzes, play well with Gen-Z?

Image: Aristotle's avatar presents a slideshow about Greece. Prof Jim customers will be able to request avatars for whomever they’d like, be it a long dead celebrity or a specific classroom teacher.COURTESY OF PROF JIM